Midronome Add-on Modules
Vote for your favorite add-ons here

How to vote

This is a list of potential ideas for Midronome add-on Modules that could be that could be implemented in the future. This page is about you giving your opinion, being part of the Midronome journey, so we can shape the future of Midronome together!

Only people who signed up on the Midronome mailing-list before December 12 can vote.

If you are one of them, please enter the email address on which you receive the Midronome newsletters:

Add-on Modules list

Swing & Latency

This module will have 2 MIDI Outputs and 4 knobs in order to add latency (shifting the clock) and swing on each of those outputs.

Tap Tempo Output

Some effect pedals have a 'tap' input which expects a physical footswitch to tap the tempo. This module will sync those effect pedals!

4x MIDI Outputs

4 more MIDI outputs for your Midronome! To save space the outputs will be using TRS (3.5mm jacks) plugs, using the MIDI Type A standard.

MIDI Input

To send MIDI to the Midronome using a MIDI-DIN cable, either MIDI Commands, or to merge MIDI with the clock, or even to send MIDI to the computer!

Pro DJ Link

Do you have some Pioneer DJ equipment? Then there's a big chance they use Pro DJ Link and using this module you'll be able to sync them as well.

USB Host

Do you have some USB keyboards you would like to sync? Well they can only connect to a USB host - which this module would provide.

Note: Ableton Link is not in the list since it has already been approved and will be implemented in the future.

Note 2: do you have any other idea for modules? Then let's discuss it on the Forums!

Anybody can make modules, so even if I won't make one with your idea you can try yourself! The basic module designs will be available as open-source and open-hardware to get you started.